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Three UK Study – 5G to do 100Mbps Broadband, Replace Fixed Lines

Tuesday, Nov 20th, 2018 (10:08 am) - Score 28,027

Ovum has today published a new report, commissioned by mobile operator Three UK, which claims future 5G technology will deliver home broadband speeds of 80-100Mbps. Furthermore they predict that it could “replace traditional connections” for 85% of the UK’s 26 million fixed line ISP customers, with “equal or better speeds.”

The report is interesting for a number of reasons, not least because it examines the viability of 5G based Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) services (used to connect individual homes and businesses) and makes a number of big claims that are worth examining in more details.

Most FWA services offer a targeted and faster type of wireless broadband delivery, which is designed to compete with fixed line connections. Such services typically use frequency bands that are similar to WiFi and often require end-users to install special antennas on the outside of their properties (not always necessary in urban areas, but often essential in rural areas where signals must travel further and can be weaker).

By comparison Mobile operators usually adopt a different setup and model for reaching users in the highly variable mobile environment (Smartphones etc.). Overall Ovum’s study makes five key claims about the potential benefits of a 5G based FWA service vs fixed lines.

5G FWA vs Fixed Lines (Ovum)

• 5G-FWA’s mmWave performance is comparable to or better than existing fiber-based products.

This makes it a plausible substitute to wired broadband. 5G-FWA is as fast or faster than existing fiber-based products. Ovum has witnessed speeds of 1–3Gbps in live commercial trials with limited customer numbers. We expect large-scale deployment to be able to consistently support speeds of 80-100Mbps, which is better than many existing fiber-based connections.

• 5G-FWA can serve 85% of the existing UK fixed-line market.

Currently, the average actual speed delivered to UK households stands at 46.2Mbps, but there is a substantial proportion of households receiving much lower speeds, both in urban and sparsely populated areas of the country. The percentage of urban customers receiving speeds below 80Mbps is approximately 85%. Fiber (FTTC) customers across the UK receive an average download speed of 46.2Mbps, which is half the speed 5G wireless broadband can expect to deliver.

• 5G-FWA can address customer pain points.

It can save families an estimated £240 per year, as fixed-line rental is not required. Moreover, customers do not have to go on a fiber “waiting list” dependent on their postcode. Having to wait for engineer appointments, be present during installation, and drill holes through walls to pass cables are pain points that a plug-and-play wireless solution can eliminate.

• The ecosystem for 5G-FWA is developed from the outset.

There have been plenty of attempts in the past to use wireless as a substitute for wired broadband connectivity (e.g. WiMAX). These attempts have failed because of the lack of support from both the telecom operator community and the technology vendor community. But 5G wireless broadband is already benefitting from deployments by large-scale telecom operators and equipment manufacturers. Moreover, it uses the same technology as 5G mobile, which is fully standardized and endorsed by all telecom operators in the world.

• Deploying 5G-FWA can be almost 50% cheaper than laying fiber.

Economic modeling indicates that implementing 5G-FWA is much cheaper than using fiber. Such a calculation is important for mobile-only operators with no existing fiber footprint. The cost of deployment can be much lower mainly because of the civil engineering cost (e.g. digging roads) associated with fiber deployment.

On the first point it’s worth remembering that many existing FWA broadband ISPs can already deliver speeds of up to around 100Mbps and some existing 4G networks (e.g. EE) will similarly offer such speeds to ordinary mobile users during certain times of the day (e.g. dense urban areas when fewer people are hogging the traffic), it’s all a matter of how you setup and feed the network.

The vague comparison with “fiber-based” networks is also somewhat unhelpful as this could be covering a multitude of sins, not least since slower FTTC (VDSL2) networks are very different from the latest multi-Gigabit capable Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) connections. We dare say that Virgin Media would also have something to say about 80-100Mbps being better than their cable network.

On the second point the figure of 46.2Mbps being used is not solely for FTTC connections and is instead an average of different fixed line connections combined, which stems from Ofcom’s 2018 study of fixed broadband ISP speeds (here). But it is questionable of Ovum to be comparing speedtest based data with a rough prediction of 5G network performance.

On the third point Ovum talks about saving £240 per year, not least by “eliminating the need for fixed-line rental” (phone). But this is debatable and depends upon how much the service itself will cost and whether consumers then go out to buy a replacement VoIP service. Likewise it’s unclear whether they’re considering the cost of matching fixed lines by offering unlimited usage allowances and avoiding CGNAT etc.

However, what Ovum seems to be getting at is that mobile operators, like Three UK, have an advantage over existing FWA and fixed line networks in that they should be able to quickly roll-out ultrafast 5G services to cover the vast majority of the country, in a fairly short space of time. This is as opposed to the current approach where FWA ISPs tend to only serve niche areas and many fixed line services can still be quite variable / slow.

Meanwhile their final point about 5G-FWA being 50% cheaper than “laying fiber” (we assume they mean FTTP) does overlook the fact that you still need fibre optic cables to deliver all that capacity for the base stations and masts in the first place (although Microwave links can help). Likewise once you’ve deployed FTTP then switching it from 1Gbps to 10Gbps to 20Gbps to 100Gbps etc. becomes a lot easier in the future and those speeds are reliable (capacity / hardware allowing).

Dave Dyson, CEO of Three UK, said:

“5G gives consumers the opportunity to bin their fixed line, enjoy faster speeds and save money. Wireless home broadband means that we can speed up access to super-fast internet services at a lower cost, without installation delays or inflexible contracts.

The efficient and widespread rollout of superfast broadband across households and businesses is crucial to the growth of our economy. Wireless home broadband de-risks Government’s ambitions for a Digital Britain by providing alternatives to a fibre-to-the-home solution.

At Three, we’re making significant investments to make this technology viable as we ready our network for 5G. Government and Ofcom have the right ambition to improve UK connectivity and we will work with them to show that there are other alternatives to fibre.”

At present the argument being made above is a bit chicken and the egg because we first need to see what consumers will get before being able to judge how it compares. On the other hand 5G does certainly have the potential to shake-up the fixed line market and the slow pace of FTTP builds will give it space to grow, even despite a late start.

The first commercial 5G services from EE and Three UK should tentatively start to roll-out next year, but they won’t fully kick off until more spectrum is released in 2020 and it will then need c.7 years to reach coverage maturity. By then FTTP is also predicted to have become available to over half of UK premises.

Meanwhile Three UK has made no secret of their desire to take the 144MHz of 5G friendly spectrum that they have and use it to deliver both FWA and Mobile connectivity services across the UK (here). But they’ll need to grab even more spectrum frequency if they intend to deliver on what’s proposed above (keep a close eye on Ofcom’s future auctions).

Likewise all that spectrum will need to be fed with enough capacity, which is comparatively easy to do in urban areas but in a few years’ time FTTP providers will have tackled many of those too. One of the big question marks will thus be over whether the sorts of speeds being talked about above can also be delivered to the final 40% of premises, outside of the most lucrative urban markets.

Dario Talmesio, Principal Analyst and Practice Leader at Ovum, said:

“Advantages of 5G wireless broadband technology are not just in speed: wireless is more flexible, does not require long-term contracts, is faster and cheaper to deploy and less of a burden for customers – no waiting time, no engineer visits.

With low availability of fibre and high cost of deployment, 5G Wireless becomes a viable alternative to fixed-line broadband. While the UK continues its fibre roll-out, this is a quicker and more economical way to satisfy customers’ fast-growing demand for data.”

Finally, Ovum’s report hints that 5G-FWA services will also adopt a “plug-and-play” setup (i.e. no engineer visits) and offer more flexible contracts (i.e. no longer terms, but this is a choice for each operator and not technology specific), which sounds a lot like the 4G based Relish Wireless ISP that Three UK owns. But that provider hasn’t exactly been a speed demon. They’ll need to do much better with the 5G version.

UPDATE 21st Nov 2018

A new demo has been conducted in London, which showed how Three UK and Huawei’s kit could hit speeds of up to around 3-4Gbps under ideal conditions (here).

By Mark Jackson
Mark is a professional technology writer, IT consultant and computer engineer from Dorset (England), he also founded ISPreview in 1999 and enjoys analysing the latest telecoms and broadband developments. Find me on X (Twitter), Mastodon, Facebook and .
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70 Responses
  1. Avatar photo mike says:

    They said the same about 4G

    1. Avatar photo Mike says:

      Having used Three AYCE as a landline replacement I can vouch for it.

    2. Avatar photo mike says:

      Having attempted to do so, I cannot. It became unusably slow during peak times – the joys of using a shared medium like radio signals.

    3. Avatar photo Derrick Hales says:

      Tests worldwide have Proved 5 g is so dangerous to human beings Birds insects and animals that there is protests in different parts of the world where it has been installed please look into this

    4. Avatar photo Blueacid says:

      Derrick, please provide some evidence rather than just saying “look into it”.
      5G isn’t drastically different from other radio communications.

    5. Avatar photo Roger Meacock says:

      Derrick Hales is absolutely correct. The higher frequencies and requirement for much closer masts make 5G considerably more dangerous than the known dangers of other EMFs such as 3G and 4G. The effect on insects could be devastating for bees and crop pollination.
      Many scientists from many different countries have expressed serious concern. See link here https://ehtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/Scientist-5G-appeal-2017.pdf

  2. Avatar photo CarlT says:

    These are big words from a company that delivers dialup speeds over 4G, if not no data service at all, over various parts of their network due to extreme backhaul congestion.

    1. Avatar photo Gareth says:

      Agreed, but it’s not exactly a level playing field in the UK, what with EE owning most of the spectrum. Considering Three have a measly 11% or whatever it is, they do quite well to achieve anything at all.

      The fact BT was even allowed to buy such a large amount of spectrum by buying EE and yet Three and O2 were denied a merger, shows that somebody’s palms have been greased.

      Hopefully, the fact that Three now has a good chunk of 5G including its purchase of Relish will give it a more level playing field.

    2. Avatar photo Adam says:

      I get 70+mbps with Three and dial up speed on fixed line broadband. This would be a godsend.

    3. Avatar photo William Grimsley says:

      Adam, why don’t you use 4G instead of fixed line, then?

    4. Avatar photo Overcorpse says:

      @William Grimsley Errrr data limits possibly.

    5. Avatar photo Adam says:

      Exactly that. And i do use 4g for my daily needs, most of the time. I still need to download very large files/updates over 10gb using my fixed line as there is no data caps. My fixed line is running constantly 24/7, downloading my and the kids game updates, windows updates, Netflix shows etc.. Some of which are 40+gb. Whereas 4g do have data caps. I should have said 4/5g unlimited would be a godsend but assumed that was common knowledge.

    6. Avatar photo CarlT says:

      @Gareth I understand that and took care to mention backhaul congestion. They don’t supply enough bandwidth out of their cell sites, they get too busy and speeds slow to a crawl. They need to get their act together and either stop with the unlimited services or charge more and invest in the network. They’re too cheap for their own good right now.

    7. Avatar photo Gareth says:

      …again, it’s not a level playing field….how do you think EE provide so much backhaul/bandwidth? It could be because of a little company called BT, that just happen to own EE…Three don’t have that luxury.

    8. Avatar photo CarlT says:

      EE also charge considerably more than Three do. Three are the ‘TalkTalk’ of MNOs. Cheap and if you’re in the right areas they’re fine, if there are issues you’re stuffed.

      I use them as their list of roaming destinations is great, however when the contract is up I’ll be rethinking.

  3. Avatar photo Toby Adams says:

    Love this – getting Virgin installed was such a pain and 4G where I live was always about 30Mbps so always used 4G in the house while I was still on ADSL2. I imagine 5G when it is in my area will better any FTTC offering.

    1. Avatar photo Derrick Hales says:

      5g is so dangerous to humans animals birds and insects in various parts of the world where it has been launched that it should not be made available within the UK

    2. Avatar photo Simon says:

      Derrick .so are cars… wanna go there too?

    3. Avatar photo joseph says:

      Also, apparently wipes the brains ability to use commas and full stops.

  4. Avatar photo Spiderpig says:

    Study commissioned by a mobile company suggests mobile will replace fixed… well I never saw that coming.

    Will the 5G solutions be price comparable as well as speed comparable? Data usage is growing at a phenomenal rate. Unless it can support multiple devices in multiple dwellings doing heavy hauling, for the same price as fixed ISPs, it ain’t happening.

    Yes, it will suit some customer types, but as someone has already pointed out, the same claims were made about 4G, and fixed broadband connections continue to grow.

    Mobile data will always be a complement to, and not a replacement for, fixed internet access.

  5. Avatar photo AnotherTim says:

    I use Three 4G in a rural area. It is very very variable in speed and latency due to limited backhaul. Their HomeFi 4G also has a hard limit of 100GB/month that can’t be increased (anything above that is charged at 1p/MB, which gets expensive quickly). The promise of fast 5G sounds great, but it will take years to arrive, and probably won’t deliver on the promises.

    1. Avatar photo Joe says:

      In fairness thats probably the easiest thing to fix!

    2. Avatar photo AnotherTim says:

      It should be easy to fix, but I don’t expect it to happen. There’s no financial incentive for Three to improve backhaul in areas where there is no other usable broadband.

    3. Avatar photo Paul Barrett says:

      So why don’t you just ged rid of your Sim and replace with 3 AYCE for £27 per month.
      Yes it means you can’t re eive SMS or calls if using in a dongle for a faster speed.
      Don’t bother just use a smartphone.
      NEW Samsung Note 4 are available for £148.
      Use as a modem and phone at the same time!!

      Can’t believe 3 have brought back the One Plan.
      Get the deal via Topcashback and get £75 cashback or if with 3 they will upgrade to the AYCE for £25 pm.
      No price increase with SIM only.
      Reason for Note 4 is you can swap batteries quickly abd they are dirt cheap on dx.om etc

    4. Avatar photo AnotherTim says:

      AYCE isn’t as good as it sounds – there’s no limit on downloads, but when it gets to 30GB in a month the speed gets throttled. There’s no (explicit) throttling using the HomeFi tariffs, but there is a limit. So you takes your choice…

    5. Avatar photo andyroochoo says:

      i used 3.9tb this month on my ayce data sim so there is no hard limit on that.

      Its unlimited so i enjoy filling my boots.

      My advice would be to sign up for the 30gb tariff as cheap as possible then for an extra £3 change the price plan to ayce everything.

      Job done,

      you’re welcome 🙂

    6. Avatar photo Michael V says:

      @AnotherTim. Hello! I use between 70 to 130GB a month on my phone AYCE data plan. Three do not throttle speeds at all.

  6. Avatar photo TheMatt says:

    I’ll believe it when I see it.

    4G was supposed to give me 100Mbit. I get 12. On three.

    1. Avatar photo Craig says:

      I get 80-100 Mbps on 4G on Three just now. I get over 100 on EE, again on 4G.

      I get 350 Mbps on cable internet.

      If 5G isn’t at least 500 Mbps then it’s pointless.

  7. Avatar photo Michael Gore says:

    What about ping etc for gaming?

    1. Avatar photo Joe says:

      Its not good but frankly (even as an ex-hardcore gamer) I’m not going to cry too many tears if people can’t get a great gaming ping. We’re trying to get decent speeds everywhere first

    2. Mark-Jackson Mark Jackson says:

      You can’t say “it’s not good”, based on what? 5G isn’t even available yet outside of some small trials and those that do exist are showing almost FTTP like stable pings of sub 5-10ms. That is a lot better than many fixed line connections, so it should be good for gaming.

    3. Avatar photo JamesMJohnson says:

      Mark I must contest… AT&T rolled 5G out to a whole town in the US as a large scale trial and they had variable jitter between 10 – 30ms.
      Whilst acceptable for TCP that’s not acceptable for UDP which the majority of games use now due to speed as well as other services like VOIP, media streaming, etc.

    4. Avatar photo Peter says:

      i get 49ms ping 45/50mb download 20/30 mb upload on three with no data restriction, no problems whatsoever £27 per month

  8. Avatar photo Neb says:

    Keep dreaming. At best you may convince the end-of-shelf-life generation that cling onto BT ADSL (out of offer) that it’s the future but not me.

  9. Avatar photo Craig says:

    I get 80-100 Mbps on 4G on Three just now. I get over 100 on EE, again on 4G.

    I get 350 Mbps on cable internet.

    If 5G isn’t at least 500 Mbps then it’s pointless.

  10. Avatar photo Jack says:

    At least Three are being sensible in the claims unlike Liverpool’s deputy Mayor who has been full of facts from EE / BT and recently spouted the line “Gary Millar, Liverpool’s deputy mayor, told the ECHO: “If this is happening in 2019, not 2020, it’s earlier than proposed, so that’s good news.

    I welcome this announcement.

    “5G is 1,000 faster than 4G, running at speeds of100 gigabits a second.

  11. Avatar photo Simon says:

    Good old 3 – when everyone else is doing Gbps 3 will be doing 100mbps – as they cant cope with demand again – anyone remember when 4G was 3-5mbps when others were doing 200+? I can

    1. Avatar photo CarlT says:

      Aside from trials who has actually provided 200Mb over 4G? For all my complaints about Three the idea 200Mb over 4G is a thing in the UK, or that there’ll be a bunch of 1Gb 5G while Three are delivering 100Mb isn’t really accurate.

    2. Avatar photo Simon says:

      are you talking about data volume or speed carl?

      For Data – I’ve only ever had 100GB for data speed I get between 250 and 300Mbps most of the time where I live…

    3. Avatar photo Simon says:

      Forgot to say that’s on an EE Annual Upgrade plan. I’ve posted screenshots etc in the past to back that up.

    4. Avatar photo CarlT says:

      Speed which is why the small ‘b’.

      Awesome but unusual and others certainly aren’t doing 200+. EE are a long way ahead thanks to all the spectrum they acquired – their average is way, way below 200.

    5. Avatar photo Simon says:

      The worst test I got was 210mbps .- the best is 341mbps – both in the evenings one on a weekend. It is good – but my allowance still seems to last a fair while.

    6. Avatar photo CarlT says:

      In a bar in Rothwell just pulled 50/10 over Three 4G. Obviously not a congested cell.

      Probably moving to EE next year, however their lack of roaming options relative to Three concerns.

  12. Avatar photo Meadmodj says:

    4G are already options for rural if the coverage is there, 5G will improve this but most mobile companies will invest in coverage for licence reasons they will be mainly be focused on profit and hence the same areas as the proposed commercial FTTP builds. Does everyone need FTTP?, and the answer is clearly no. A good percentage of our population use their phone as their principle device and are increasingly getting used to the concept of tethering, including televisions. Why a pay excessively for fixed when their personal data usage can be achieved for a little more on a mobile package and it is available wherever they happen to be.

    I do like the idea though that increased mobile data including 5G will be there to temper price rises in FTTP once its established, particularly ISP monopolies.

    1. Avatar photo Meadmodj says:

      Appreciate this is FWA via 5G but there is no reason why the FWA would need to be location specific or offered on other mobile packages.

  13. Avatar photo Mr Angry says:

    One aspect isn’t mentioned and that is that a mobile connection is symmetric – well, it seems to be to me. I used to max out at 20Mbps/20Mbps and recent changes they’ve made push that closer to 40Mbps/40Mbps. I do a lot of uploading so that upload speed is really nice, compared to my previous FTTC connection, which has better download speed, but worse upload, and costs double…and I need to have mobile, in addition, anyway, so even more saving having just mobile.
    It’s the limits and tethering restrictions that need to “go away”, and there have been noises about that happening too.

    1. Avatar photo tim says:

      LTE isn’t symmetric. It probably just that less people are uploading therefore more bandwidth is available on the upload whereas the download is congested.

  14. Avatar photo Tina Walker says:

    At what cost to public health and wildlife

    1. Avatar photo Adam says:

      Do you have sources to back you up? proper scientific papers, i mean? You come here saying it’s a danger to us and animals, please, tell me/us why your statement is true.

    2. Avatar photo Simon says:

      Well a phone mast does nothing to me – there’s been some evidence to back that up since the debate started in 1996.. You drive a Petrol or Diesel car? that will do you more damage… have a word with yourself

    3. Avatar photo Simon says:

      none not some

    4. Avatar photo Meadmodj says:

      The truth is we do not know and yes there has been research supporting both sides of the argument.

      Currently the World Health Organisation (WHO) has concluded that the current research indicates there are no health risks and that is the current guidance of our Governments. As with all these things there are vested interests involved on both sides so any empirical research from either is always criticised. However there is a sizeable group of scientists and oncologists as part of an organisation called ICNIRP which continues to call for stricter guidelines and more industry independent research.

      In addition the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), “a category used when a causal association is considered credible, but when chance, bias or confounding cannot be ruled out with reasonable confidence” – source WHO.

      So the jury is out and like all technology should be used appropriately. As highlighted before for me it means taking a preventative approach and minimising personal exposure. Others I know will simply dismiss this. Smoking and Asbestos were once promoted as safe.

      Whether we will ever know I doubt it as there are so many other covariants to consider in any research and we will soon not have an unaffected control group to compare against.

    5. Avatar photo Bob says:

      None whatsoever. Claims to the contrary are based on misunderstanding of the resultant test data.

    6. Avatar photo Meadmodj says:

      But who’s test data and what was the objective of the study and how many studies remain unpublished because the sponsor didn’t like the conclusion. Not just on this subject. As long as empirical research is undertaken correctly and the data includes relevant covariants with any conclusions based on statistical significance I am willing to consider it.

  15. Avatar photo NilSatisOptimum says:

    Echo the usgage of data, if 5G is unlimited and within fixed line prices then it’s viable proposition.

  16. Avatar photo Michael V says:

    This new technology will become what we’ve been needing for some time. It will give the home broadband providers some competition. People saying 5G-NR is dangerous is just stupid. It still uses MHz band just like LTE, HSPA & GSM does. There’s new technology involved but there’s loads of different types around the world anyway. As humans we need to evolve our tech. You don’t have to use it if you don’t like it. I’m just saying.

  17. Avatar photo 5G Infinity says:


    Verizon is delivering [verified] 300Mbps on 5G FWA in many markets in the US. Its used to extend their fibre coverage [hence POPs are available to aggregate backhaul], keep customers happy while they then get pon with the eventual FTTP swap out. That sounds like both a good deal and a sensible marketing plan.

    Three today has more 5G spectrum than the others and theoretically could role out 5G tomorrow, 2 x 20MHz and a full 80MHz at the bottom end of 3.6-3.8GHz [once Ofcom actions the already proposed re-shuffle of the existing 84MHz in that band being available.

    Doing FWA at 3.5GHz is feasible and doable, however Three also has 28GHz spectrum [same as Verizon] and could use that for FWA and deliver 300Mbps service.

    As always its whether the MNOs want to do this, not that they can do this.

  18. Avatar photo Tim says:

    What phone/LTE modem supports all of Three’s frequencies? Are there even any?

    1. Avatar photo Michael V says:

      Hey Tim. So, for 4G LTE, Three use 1800MHz mostly for data, but they are in process of deploying voice over that band too. 800MHz for Voice over LTE. That’s it at the mo, most phones from Three support all bands and more. LG, Huawei, Sammy. Hope that helps a little.

  19. Avatar photo Venu says:

    This is a JOKE. They missold 4g mobile broadband by quoting 50mbps but don’t have proper infra in Reading area to support it. It actually gave me between 340kbps to 700kbps and failed miserably… Their tech team agreed the screw up and converted to 3G which gives me between 2 to 4 Mbps.

    1. Avatar photo Michael V says:

      Hello Venu. I hear your frustration. But, Three have a small amount of LTE spectrum. That’s across 1800mhz Frequency & also their ‘SuperVoice’ frequency at 800mhz.
      With 5G capable spectrum, they have a massive amount of 144mhz in total. That’s over bands 2.8Ghz to 3.9GHz. which LTE has suffered, this Hughes amount of spectrum puts them in an adventure to really smash it on 5G-NR. They bought Relish’s parent company some time ago. Hope that explains it a little.

  20. Avatar photo Peter Percosan says:

    Where can one read the report in full? Hard to get the full picture from the excerpts alone.
    Thank you.

  21. Avatar photo David Cullen says:

    Interesting ‘sales’ report by Ovum- with as you point out Mark, a significant scattering of subjective comment and comparison in their headline summary.

    If you want definitive objective information, I would encourage colleagues to look up “Costs for Digital Communications Infrastructures: A Cost Analysis of the UK’s Digital Communications Infrastructure options 2017- 2050”, commissioned by The National Infrastructure Commission and produced by Prism Business Consulting and Tactis in Dec 2017.

    This considered the 30yr whole life costs and performance of 5 wide-ranging technology scenarios; the third of which was using 5G FWA and FTTP.

    Headlines indicated that:
    – 63% of premises could achieve 5G access of up to 500Mbps and possibly more, depending on contention and transit capacity. The other 37% would receive FTTP of 1GBps and beyond.
    – The 30yr Whole Life Cost of this would be £24.7bn, compared with £33.4bn for 100% coverage with FTTP (assuming re-use of physical infrastructure wherever possible)

    I would contend that £8.7bn over 30 yrs is a small price to pay to provide everyone with the capability for multigigabit capability, rather than limiting this to barely more then a third of UK premises.

  22. Avatar photo James says:

    My billing on three is 146gb Jan Feb 240gb march 234gb April 603gb May 768gb June 223gb July 134gn august 356gb September 454gb Oct 987gb
    Not even one word from three was paying £27 haggle my way down to £12 a month AYCE data bargain just got another sim only contract this week for £14 ayce after chatting to three customers relations team it can be had.

    1. Avatar photo Michael V says:

      Hey James. And I thought I was a heavy user at around 135GB a month! That’s insane! I have AYCE data but haven’t used that much more than the old 30GB tethering allowance. Now it’s UNLIMITED, start tethering more when I get Netflix back!

    2. Avatar photo James says:

      Michael go to three UK chat ask nicely if you have unlimited minutes say you want to downgrade to 600 or 200 minutes you should be able to get your plan to £15 or below might take a few tries.

      Yes definitely make use of that unlimited hotspot these companies make too much money of us your cancel your home broadband use the sim card into a 4g router of Amazon works fine.
      Unlimited data for £15 or below win win

    3. Avatar photo Michael V says:

      Hey James. I recently changed phone and plan, I got AYCE everything! Recently moved home broadband services too, that I need to keep though, as i live with the parent at the mo & the smart devices need constant connection. Indoor 4G is really poor in parts of the flat here, so I just tether to TV in my room! It’s absolute freedom though!

  23. Avatar photo James says:

    Anyone here can use AYCE data with high usage amounts just turn off your WiFi watch everything on Netflix via 4k setting nowtv,skysports and on the go use Spotify,apple music cancel your home internet and use Unlimited hotspot boom your into the 400,gb mark each month with ease.
    Definitely getting your monies worth but don’t let the neighbours know about this enjoy cheap fast speeds with unlimited hotspot no slow downs.

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  13. Fibre Optic (1419)
  14. Wireless Internet (1414)
  15. FTTH (1383)

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