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CTG Withdraws Services from the UK Fibre Market After Slowdown

Monday, Jun 24th, 2024 (9:30 am) - Score 2,480

The Milton Keynes-based Complete Technology Group (CTG), which is a UK landlord advisory service that also runs Complete Fibre (i.e. they install full fibre broadband infrastructure into large residential buildings / MDUs), has announced that it will “withdraw its current service offer” from the market over the “coming months“.

Founded in 2020 to raise standards in the safety and quality of digital infrastructure, CTG says it has worked as a bridge for landlords and telecommunications providers, facilitating for both parties so residents living in blocks of flats (Multi-Dwelling Units) can gain access to safe, reliable, gigabit-capable full fibre (FTTP) broadband connectivity.

The company has so far partnered more than 20 landlords, but they appear to have been hit by the “current slowdown in [the] telecoms customers’ market“, which they say has “meant the company [have] been unable to scale sufficiently to continue its planned growth.” The slowdown being referenced most likely relates to the roll-out of full fibre, which has seen many alternative networks scaling back their plans due to rising build costs, high interest rates and competition.

In response, CTG has this morning informed ISPreview that they have “withdrawn [their] current services and ceased new activity while the Board undertakes a review to determine the future of its brands and assets“. Residents already receiving a service from an ISP connected to the infrastructure that Complete Fibre (CTG’s sister company) has built will NOT be affected, but all new installation activity has been “ceased“.

Chris McLain, CEO at Complete Technology Group, said:

“Our decision to manage a controlled withdrawal of our current services ensures we can honour all of our existing commitments for employees, landlords and telcos.

In the coming weeks, we’re focused on supporting our colleagues, all of whom are affected by the decision, and working with strategic partners to get the best outcomes for all stakeholders.”

Just to be clear, CTG’s sister company, Complete Fibre, installs full fibre infrastructure in MDUs, but this is designed to be harnessed by multiple Internet Service Providers to ‘plug and play’, reducing the need for multiple installations, and maintaining the structural integrity of MDUs.

However, deploying into MDUs like this can be expensive and we know that not every broadband operator always wants to work with this sort of solution, which can sometimes create a point of contention (i.e. some would rather control their own MDU installations, rather than be reliant upon a third-party).

CTG is currently in the process of directly contacting landlords, telcos or suppliers impacted by this decision.

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By Mark Jackson
Mark is a professional technology writer, IT consultant and computer engineer from Dorset (England), he also founded ISPreview in 1999 and enjoys analysing the latest telecoms and broadband developments. Find me on X (Twitter), Mastodon, Facebook and .
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6 Responses
  1. Avatar photo John says:

    There is no “market slowdown” people still need the same broadband, simply that people challenge this company’s “facilitation” as it is unacceptable for people to be charged a premium if connected by CTG in order to pay for their extortionate rental fees.

    It is a nightmare for marketing to advertise a certain price for most customers but then put an asterisk “if connected by CTG then we’ll need to charge you 15 quid on top”

  2. Avatar photo Ben says:

    So what happens where “Complete Fibre” has been installed? Will CTG give (or sell) the solution to the management company responsible for the block?

    1. Avatar photo Kate says:

      Hi Ben, we’re currently reviewing all commercial options for CTG’s brands and services. If you’d like to follow up, drop us an email at hello@completetechnologygroup.com and one of the team will get in touch, thanks.

  3. Avatar photo Tim says:

    There are other really good independent landlord consultants in this area https://proptechdevelopments.com

  4. Avatar photo steve says:

    they were doomed from the start. Their pricing was significantly more expensive for their project management and auditing services compared to every other business offering the same service, they essentially mislead the housing associations saying the broadband providers will pay our fees as they will have to if they want to offer service to your residents. What actually happened is the providers simply refused and so those housing associations who did sign up to CTG/Complete fibre have been left behind.

    1. Avatar photo Chris says:

      This statement is factually incorrect. Our services and fees are regularly benchmarked by our customers and are routinely paid by providers.

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